Ya Kholiq... Kasih Mu, Keberkatan Mu serta Rahmat Mu kami dambakan... Kasihi kami, Berkati kami dan Rahmati kami yang senantiasa memerlukan Mu Ya Wahab... Ya Salam.. Sejahterakan kehidupan dan kurniakanlah kematian dalam memperjuangkan agama Mu, Rasul Mu dan perintah Mu.. Rezekikanlah kami agar kami dapat senantiasa bersama-sama Mu Ya Rabb.. Hamba Mu tiada daya upaya Wahai Yang Mempunyai Kekuasaan dan Kekuatan.. Bantu lah hamba-hambaMu ini Ya Wahab dengan kasih sayang, petunjuk dan pelindungan yang abadi..

Rahmat Keberkatan Keredhoaan Mu

Rahmat Keberkatan Keredhoaan Mu
Kasih sayang, limpahan nikmat, rahmat, ujian mahu pun kesusahan yang kami miliki kini hanyalah sementara.. Segala2nya milik Mu dari Mu dan kami akan kembali kepada Mu.. Semoga kembalinya kami kepada Mu kelak dalam Keredhoaan Mu Ya Kholiq.. Janganlah kami ini dibiarkan Ya Allah.. Peliharalah dan lindungilah kami dari kemaksiatan, kederhakaan dan keterlanjuran dalam menjalani hidup yang sementara di alam yang fana' ini..


Ayang Diyana

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

YOUR LUV Is Sooo Valuable...

Alhamdulillah... Thank to You Ya Rabb.. Your love is definitly beautiful.. No one can love as You do.. No one can care as You do.. All these while I am taken care, infact, well taken care by the ONLY ONE, YOU...

Ya Kholiq.. I just cant say enough of this Thank you to your kindness... There is no way Ya Rabb that I can pay and show how debted I am to Your generousity to me and my family's life.. The only way I can show that I appreciate all that I am given for FREE is to say ALHAMDULILLAH..

ALHAMDULILLAH YA KHOLIQ..for all the love and the kind of life that I am now having..

I am always thankful Ya Rabb that I am given the chance to experience all the love and life which have been dictated and chosen by You for me.. There should be a very good reason for You to choose me to be in my life.. I used to think that I do not deserve to be loved, to have good life, to have a loving family, husband, children, friends, neighbours, peers etc.. But you are always there, guiding and showing me the light, which is the right / wrong path and the care.. The care You showed is overwhelmed.. Your tender loving care is always there for me..I am having so much love sometime without me realising.. I am so much thankful to the kindness that came into my life which I sometimes ignored, put aside and didnt count in as blessings.. But for what I know... You are always there guiding me back to the right path.. Just as I am starting to forget the amazing life that I am gifted with..

Alhamdulillah, You didnt let me go.. Your guidance is always apreciated and looked upon Ya Sami' Ya Basir... Please do not leave me though I sometimes am so arrogant and unthankful to the many thousand million of abundances that You are fulfilling into my beautiful life then, now and in the near future.. Alhamdulillah YA WAHAB..

ALHAMDULILLAH YA Barr.. for the family and friends that I am now happily having..
I am so thankful that these people surrounds my life as without them around, I'd probably wont be aware of how plentiful of colours life could be..

Keredhoaan Keberkatan Ya Salam Membawa Rahmat

Keredhoaan  Keberkatan Ya Salam Membawa Rahmat
Senantiasakanlah Ya Salam merezekikan kami dengan rezeki Mu yang berlimpah2an dengan membawa kami semakin hampir, senantiasa rindu kepada Mu, Rasul Mu, Kitab Mu, Malaikat2 Mu, Ulamak2 Mu, Golongan Soleh Solehah dan Ilmuan yang membawa kami terus ke jalan lurus Mu.. Rezekikan lah kami Ya Rozak dengan ilmu taufiq hidayah dan innayah Mu.. Rezekikanlah limpahan kasih sayang Mu agar dapat kami kongsikan sesama insan.. walau hanya sepotong ayat, walau hanya sebelah kurma, walau hanya sekuntum senyuman, walau hanya dengan ucapan salam.. Rezekikanlah kami dengan limpahanMu yg paling diberkati Ya Rozak..